Compelled By Love

crucixCompelled By Love

The dictionary defines compelled this way: force or oblige (someone) to do something.

We’ve often heard of situations where people were forced or obliged to do something by someone that they didn’t want to do. Perhaps you’ve been in such a situation. But what does it mean to be compelled by love? The best place to look to figure that out is Jesus.

The Lamb of God

When John the Baptizer was out in the wilderness, he preached repentance in preparation for the coming Messiah, Son of God. John told those who came to hear him preach that this Messiah would take away the sins of the world.

One day while John preached, he looked up and saw his cousin, Jesus, approaching. As Jesus approached, John turned to the crowd and proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God.”

Significance of the Lamb

All Jews who heard John’s words understood the significance of the Lamb of God. They understood it to mean the spotless Passover lamb.

Lambs were used during Passover as sacrifices to cover the sins of each family for the year. It was a ritual which needed repeated every year.

It was the lamb prepared in remembrance of the night God delivered the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. The lamb whose blood covering their doorposts spared them from God’s wrath when the Death Angel passed over their homes that night.

Once And For All

What John said was true. Jesus is the Lamb of God. However, once Jesus, compelled by love, willingly offered his life on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world, it was final.

Once and for all. There is no need for a yearly sacrifice. Christ’s blood covers all our sins. Once. For all. His sacrifice makes us spotless before the Father.

If we belong to Jesus, then when God looks at us, he doesn’t see our sins which are many. What God sees is Jesus’ sacrificial blood covering those sins.

There is no other sacrifice needed. He is the perfect sacrifice. The perfect Lamb of God.

Jesus Left His Throne for Us

Compelled by his great love, Jesus willingly set aside his throne in heaven for us. He humbled himself to take on human form, so he could live among us and understand what it’s like to be us.

He did this so he could sympathize with us and present our case before the Father as our Mediator, Advocate, Intercessor, and Great High Priest.

Jesus knew what he was doing when he left heaven. He knew how every single moment of every single day of his life on earth would play out. Nothing surprised him. Nothing caught him off guard.

Jesus Knew What Lay Ahead

Christ saw the stable ahead of time. He heard the angel choir. He felt Mary’s embrace.

He knew ahead of time how many splinters would find their way into his hands as he worked beside Joseph in his carpentry shop. He also knew how many times he’d hit his thumb while he pounded nails.

Jesus understood what being compelled by love to offer himself as the sacrificial Lamb of God would cost him. He counted the cost and did it anyway.

He knew he’d be despised and rejected. He knew he’d be falsely accused and misunderstood.

Jesus knew he’d be betrayed with a kiss. He knew one of his closest disciples would betray him when he needed him the most.

He knew the pain his crucifixion would cause his mother. He saw her tears and the tears of the women beside her. He knew the excruciating, relentless pain his crucifixion would cause his human body.

Because of His Great Love

Still. Still. The Lamb of God, God’s Only Son, Christ our Messiah, was compelled by love for you and for me, to see the Father’s will and plan of salvation for mankind through to the end. No matter what it cost him.

Christ came to earth to die for mankind. He came for you and for me. He came to be the once and for all sacrifice that takes away the sins of the world.

Jesus broke the power of sin because he was compelled by love. No one forced him. No one tricked him. He did it willingly because he loves each of us with an everlasting love, and doesn’t want any of us to perish.

The Holy Lamb of God paid our sin-debt because he wants us to live with him forever in eternity.

Your Turn

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away our sins. Behold and bow down in grateful worship to the Lamb who was slain for you and for me.

May we be compelled by love to give Jesus all the glory, honor, and praise now and forever. Amen?

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The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29 NLT

I wish you well.


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